Summer Blaze: Chemical Safety Protection

Hot summer

Summer is coming, and the weather is so hot that the land feels like it's steaming. Despite this, many hardworking laborers continue to toil in the heat, covered in protective clothing. Laborers navigate a complex network of pipes and equipment. Driven by their strong sense of responsibility, they have created a safe and efficient environment in the chemical factory. Their sweat dampens their clothes, but it never diminishes their sense of responsibility. We need to respect the laborers at GESC. Thanks to their efforts, this challenging heat has been integrated into the team’s resilience.


The intense heat of the dog days of summer presents not only a physical challenge but also a severe test of safety in chemical production. From the management to the frontline employees, safety is the top priority. We adhere strictly to safety protocols and focus meticulously on every aspect of safety production. This includes the inspection and maintenance of each piece of steel equipment, organizing and conducting various emergency drills, hazard identification, and safety training. Every task is carried out with the utmost precision to ensure stable production operations and to make safety a solid support for the company.


Humanistic care warms the heart


Since the beginning of summer this year, the company's labor union has prepared ample supplies for heat prevention and relief. In response to temperature changes, cooling beverages have been delivered to designated points on the production front lines to provide employees with care and relief. Additionally, measures such as adjusting outdoor work times and setting up rest areas have been implemented to improve the work environment, ensure effective heat prevention, and protect employees' safety and health rights. This care is like a refreshing breeze in the scorching summer, easing employees' discomfort. The company’s various departments will continue to diligently support and enhance logistical efforts.



This summer of 2024, let’s see once again the amazing achievements of the people at GESC, and give a nod to the chemical spirit that shines brightly under the hot sun.
We truly believe that in the future, everyone at Jinxiang will keep up their dedication, continue their hard work, and create even more impressive results.

Post time: Jul-25-2024