Plant Vaccines: A New Quality Productive Force in Agriculture



In the agricultural production process, many harmful organisms can affect crop quality and yield. This can result in significant economic losses. Therefore, international crop safety remains a crucial issue, and a major solution is to develop a green environment.

Products with biological control functions in the market:

Protein-based elicitors:Substances that enhance plant defense responses

Chitosan and chitosan-related substances:They enhance plant growth by promoting root development and overall health, boost disease resistance by inducing plant defense mechanisms, and improve soil health by retaining moisture and nutrients. Additionally, chitosan is used in biodegradable pesticides and can stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the soil. It also helps increase fertilizer efficiency by enhancing nutrient uptake and reducing leaching.


Harpin, a plant vaccine, mainly targets the leaves and roots. It binds to special receptors on the leaves, kicking off the defense process. Harpin also creates pores in the cell membrane, allowing it to enter the cell. Once inside, it activates hundreds of genes that help with balance and defense.

Picture 1:The bacterial protein Harpin helps the plant by turning on the NDR1 gene. This activates several components, including NDR1-1, EDS1, TGA2, RO, and 20S membrane fusion particles.

PR1 is key for defending against nematodes, bacteria, and fungi. PR1 and RO each have signal sequences that let them move through the secretion system using vesicles from the reticulum. RO also helps produce toxic alkaloids, which fight off fungal pathogens.

In 2000, the plant vaccine Harpin protein passed the EPA pesticide residue test and became a new type of plant growth regulator. Li Hepeng and others confirmed that the Harpin wettable powder was 52.7% effective against sunflower sclerotinia, significantly increasing crop yield.



*According to Table 1, all tested resistance-inducing agents reduced the incidence and severity of sunflower sclerotinia to varying degrees. Among them, the hypersensitive protein powder (plant vaccine Harpin protein) was the most effective, with a 46.1% reduction in disease. Its disease index was not significantly different from that of the chemical agent, Sclerotinia clean.



*Table 2 shows that all tested agents reduced the disease index of sunflower sclerotinia to varying degrees. Among them, the hypersensitive protein (plant vaccine Harpin protein) achieved a disease incidence of 50.6%, a disease index of 32.1, and a 52.7% reduction in disease severity. These results are significantly better compared to the water control, and there is no significant difference from the chemical agent Sclerotinia clean. The Harpin protein outperformed three new resistance-inducing agents in terms of disease control.Additionally, the plant vaccine Harpin protein and chitosan increased yields by 86.86% and 77.88%, respectively, compared to the water control. These increases are close to those achieved with Sclerotinia clean and are notably higher than the yields with the three new resistance-inducing agents.

Additionally, Tian S and colleagues found that using the plant vaccine Harpin protein or salicylic acid (SA) can significantly reduce disease severity enhanced by NaCl. In plants, endogenous compounds like SA, ethylene (ET), and jasmonic acid (JA) regulate gene expression and help boost the plant's immune system by increasing the production of phenolic compounds, PR proteins, and reactive oxygen species under stress.

While salt can trigger antioxidant accumulation in plants, it also increases their susceptibility to disease. Applying Harpin protein or SA with NaCl and storing the plants for 0 or 7 days showed significant suppression of NaCl-enhanced disease severity compared to the control. Additionally, Harpin helped partly restore the SA levels reduced by salt. Combined treatment with NaCl and Harpin notably increased antioxidant levels (such as vitamin C and phenolic compounds) and overall antioxidant capacity in soybean seedlings.









*Diagram illustrating the role of the plant vaccine Harpin protein in alleviating salt stress.


*The combined treatment of NaCl and Harpin protein significantly boosts the levels of ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds, overall antioxidant capacity, PAL activity, and PPO activity in soybean seedlings.


*The combined treatment of NaCl and Harpin protein significantly increases the accumulation of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and phenolic compounds, as well as the overall antioxidant capacity in soybean seedlings.



Scariotto S. and colleagues found that the plant vaccine Harpin protein is highly effective in controlling strawberry gray mold. The activity of PAL in strawberry fruit is influenced by post-harvest treatment with ASM (a chemical agent) and Harpin protein. Both ASM and Harpin may lead to the accumulation of metabolites in strawberries, creating a physical barrier that inhibits pathogen infection. Increased PAL activity is linked to the biosynthesis of active metabolites in plant defense pathways, such as plant toxins, phenolic compounds, salicylic acid, and lignin. This increase in PAL activity also boosts the lignin content in the fruit, which in turn enhances the fruit's firmness.


Recent advances in plant innate immunity research, especially studies on plant-pathogen interactions, show that protein elicitors can trigger the plant's immune response, leading to strong and long-lasting resistance against pathogens. Plant vaccines, developed from these immune elicitors, are eco-friendly biopesticides. They don't directly target harmful microbes but instead stimulate the plant’s natural immune system and metabolic processes to fend off pathogens.

Plant vaccines are non-toxic and don’t cause pathogens to develop resistance. Some plant vaccines can also boost the plant’s metabolic system, promoting the growth of roots, stems, and leaves, as well as increasing chlorophyll synthesis and crop yield. These benefits make plant vaccines a top choice for new agricultural productivity solutions, supporting sustainable agricultural development.



Our product, BASOSE, includes this type of plant vaccine.


BABOSE, which contains plant vaccines, is worth choosing.


Post time: Jul-23-2024