How to Urgently Manage Fields After Rainy Season Disasters? Here Are a Few Tips!

Summer Rainstorms

Summer brings frequent rainfall and is also a critical period for crop maturity. In case of sudden heavy rain, it's essential to harvest mature crops swiftly and sell them quickly to maximize profits.

Greenhouse Vegetables

1. Remove Water and Disinfect Soil:

   - Immediately remove any standing water from greenhouses.

2. Timely Reseeding and Replanting:

   - For severely affected greenhouses with destroyed seedlings, disinfect the soil and proceed with reseeding or replanting.

   - For damaged seedlings, apply fungicides and foliar fertilizers to prevent infections and use root-promoting fertilizers to support quick recovery.


3. Repair Damaged Greenhouses:

   - Reinforce and cover damaged greenhouse walls with soil and protect them with plastic film or non-woven fabric to prevent further damage from future rains.

   - Replace and reinforce any damaged structural components to ensure stability and protection.

4. Install Drainage Channels:

   - Dig drainage channels around the greenhouse

5. Enhance Cultivation Management and Prevent Pests and Diseases:

   - After heavy rain, increased humidity can lead to plant diseases. Use fungicides on sunny days to address issues like gray mold and powdery mildew.

   - Improve temperature and humidity control by increasing ventilation to reduce disease risk.


Outdoor Vegetables

1. Drain Water and Loosen Soil:

   - For lightly affected areas, clear drainage ditches, remove accumulated water and silt, and cultivate the soil once it’s slightly dry to enhance soil structure, aeration, and water infiltration.

2. Reseed or Replant Early:

   - For fields with significant damage, harvest any salvageable crops and reseed or replant with fast-growing vegetables suitable to the local climate, such as bok choy, mustard greens, and lettuce.

3. Manage Fields for Stable Yields:V.O.N

   - Support fallen plants, reinforce stakes, and clear debris. Perform soil mounding around roots for stability. Apply fertilizers based on soil conditions:

     - Soil Fertilization: Adjust application rates depending on the extent of waterlogging. Use nitrogen-rich fertilizers for leafy vegetables and a balanced mix for fruiting and leguminous vegetables.

     - Foliar Fertilization: Apply foliar fertilizers every 7-10 days for 2-3 applications to enhance yield and prevent plant decline.


4. Manage Pests and Diseases Effectively:

   - High humidity after rain increases disease risk. Use fungicides to prevent disease entry and maintain cleanliness by removing weeds and diseased plants.

5. Enhance Management for Summer and Autumn-Sown Vegetables:

   - Choose disease-resistant, high-yield, and storage-tolerant varieties for summer and autumn sowing. Ensure proper drainage to handle heavy rain.

Outdoor Orchards

1. Drain Standing Water:

   - For orchards with severe waterlogging, quickly dig drainage channels around the tree trunks, about 1.5 meters away, to remove excess water. For waterlogged soil without standing water, dig channels along the tree canopy’s edge to prevent root rot.

2. Correct Leaning or Fallen Trees:

   - Straighten and support trees affected by water or wind damage with soil and reinforcement. Remove broken branches and clean up fallen leaves and fruit.

3. Post-Rain Nutrient Management:

   - Apply foliar fertilizers to quickly replenish nutrients and promote healthy growth. Additionally, use fertilizers to support root development and recovery.

4. Control Pests and Diseases:

   - Apply protective fungicides and maintain cleanliness by removing weeds and diseased plant material, following similar practices as for greenhouse management.


Post time: Jul-18-2024