Golden Elephant Green Valley: A Hub of Agricultural Innovation


Zone One: Citrus Fruit Development

Golden Elephant Green Valley, operated by Sichuan Ruixiang Agricultural Co., LTD, is a premier location dedicated to fertilizer product testing and agricultural research. This unique green valley is divided into four distinct zones, each specializing in different areas of crop development and agricultural technology.
The first zone of Golden Elephant Green Valley focuses on the research and development of new citrus fruit varieties and solving existing cultivation challenges. This area is at the forefront of addressing issues such as fruit cracking and fruit yellowing. Researchers here work diligently to develop hardier, more resilient citrus varieties that can withstand these common problems, ensuring higher quality and more consistent yields.



Zone Two: Grape Cultivation and Technology

The second zone is dedicated to the development of new grape varieties. It focuses on advancing industry techniques such as blossom retention, fruit set technology, and seedless grape production. Innovations in this zone aim to improve grape yield and quality, making them more appealing and marketable. The research conducted here is critical for the grape industry, offering solutions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of grape cultivation.


Zone Two: Grape Cultivation and Technology



The second zone is dedicated to the development of new grape varieties. It focuses on advancing industry techniques such as blossom retention, fruit set technology, and seedless grape production. Innovations in this zone aim to improve grape yield and quality, making them more appealing and marketable. The research conducted here is critical for the grape industry, offering solutions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of grape cultivation.


Zone Three: Hydroponics and Green Planting

In the third zone, the emphasis is on hydroponic plants and environmentally friendly, healthy green planting methods. This area showcases sustainable agricultural practices that reduce environmental impact and promote the growth of plants without soil. The hydroponic systems developed and tested here offer insights into more efficient ways to grow plants, potentially transforming traditional farming practices into more sustainable and eco-friendly methods.


Zone Four: Fertilizer Testing and Comparison

The fourth zone serves as a testing ground for Sichuan Ruixiang's fertilizers. This area evaluates the effectiveness of their products in different soil environments, comparing the results with fertilizers from other companies. By conducting these comparative tests, the researchers can determine the optimal conditions for fertilizer use, ensuring that their products provide the best possible results for various crops. This zone is crucial for improving the performance and competitiveness of Ruixiang's fertilizers in the agricultural market.

Introduction of FERLIKISS Fertilizer

FERLIKISS, when paired with WANGKESU, significantly boosts agricultural productivity, yielding larger and juicier fruits. This innovative formula features DMPP from Germany's BASF, which minimizes fertilizer usage while effectively managing pests and diseases. With its high nitrogen content, FERLIKISS ensures rapid absorption and quick results, making it an ideal choice for optimizing crop yields and promoting robust growth. Experience the exceptional performance of FERLIKISS for all your agricultural needs!



Post time: Jul-17-2024