FERLIKISS Shows Outstanding Performance in Citrus Cultivation!



On May 22nd, Ruixiang Agriculture and Chen organized a "FERLIKISS" effect observation event at Master Chen's citrus orchard , Meishan City. The event attracted over 40 local citrus growers who came to observe the results of the product.


Upon arriving at the orchard, Chen didn't even have a chance to introduce his own trees before everyone eagerly entered the demonstration area and started discussing. This excitement was due to the "spring drought" affecting the Meishan region, which led to poor fruit set for many Iyo growers. In contrast, the "FERLIKISS" demonstration orchard stood out with its exceptionally vigorous Iyo trees, drawing considerable attention.


The demonstration orchard was lush and vibrant, leading everyone to initially think that the trees thrived simply because they were by the roadside with good sunlight. However, as they walked into the central part of the orchard and observed up close, the superior visual effect became even more apparent. The demonstration orchard had excellent fruit set with large, uniform, and vibrant fruits, healthy green leaves, and robust trees. Everyone was amazed, exclaiming, “Wow! We thought it was just the roadside trees that looked good, but the whole orchard is like this! Brother Chen, your trees have so many large fruits with such beautiful color. We’re really envious!” The crowd ask chen, “How did you manage this? Don’t keep it a secret—share your tips with us!”


Chen happily shared that he used the FERLIKISS fertilizer package this year, and the results have been excellent. After starting to use it last year on the recommendation of Boss Chen, he was very satisfied. As a result, this year he used the fertilizer on over 500 of his oranges. Compared to the neighboring orchard, his oranges have shown much better growth, with the difference becoming more pronounced from the budding stage. The neighboring orchard’s oranges are still not turning green, and the fruits are fewer and smaller, whereas his oranges have turned green faster, with larger and more abundant fruits. Overall, using FERLIKISS has resulted in earlier flowering, quicker and more uniform greening, stable fruit setting, and stronger tree vigor.


In recent years, the extreme weather in the Mianyang area has increased the difficulty of cultivation, leading to weakened tree vigor, pronounced alternate bearing, and severe pest and disease issues, which have significantly impacted yield and quality. Especially last year, when fruit prices were low, many growers focused only on price when choosing agricultural inputs and neglected the importance of scientific fertilization, easily falling into a vicious cycle of low yield, low quality, and low prices.


Why does the demonstration orchard show such excellent performance?

The outstanding results are due to high-quality products.

"The FERLIKISS series of specialty fertilizers is based on Ruixiang Agricultural’s nitrate fertilizers, enhanced with BASF’s Vibelsol nitrogen efficiency technology, and includes added micro and trace elements. It dissolves quickly with no residue and greatly improves the utilization rates of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace elements. It is designed to align with environmental policies for reducing fertilizer use and increasing efficiency while continuously and effectively providing nutrients to crops. Multiple formulas cater to critical periods for citrus, supplementing the necessary nutrients, and effectively improving fertilizer utilization, yield, and product quality, thereby helping to increase production and income!” explained Ding Zheng from Ruixiang.

The participating growers expressed their views: “Good fertilizers are worth the cost; next time, we’ll choose ‘FERLIKISS’!”

Post time: Aug-12-2024