ELEPHANT-Microbeauty SeriesNitro Compound Fertilizer (23-8-8+TE)
Content: Nitrate nitrogen≥ 7% / Packing: 40kg, 50kg / Color: white / Special addition: Polyglutamic acid, high tower nitrothio
Achieve superior results with our natural gas chemical industry-derived fertilizer, enriched with high-tower granulation and polyglutamic acid. This unique combination improves fruit and vegetable quality while avoiding the presence of biuret.

Our production process begins with independent nitro raw materials that undergo multi-stage compounding and precise batching. This creates a molten homogeneous slurry, which is further granulated using high-tower techniques. The resulting granules feature a mesoporous structure for improved anti-counterfeiting properties. Notably, our Micro-Beauty Green variant contains a well-balanced blend of medium and trace element nutrients. To combat drought and enhance nutrient absorption, we add polyglutamic acid. The high nitrate nitrogen content ensures rapid melting and absorption, activating the soil and promoting nutrient uptake. Our aim is to manufacture world-class nitrogen fertilizers.
1.Specially added polyglutamic acid:
Enhanced hydrophilic properties and water retention capacity.
Forms a protective film on root hairs, facilitating the efficient transfer of nutrients, water, and root hairs within the soil.
Prevents the precipitation of sulfates, phosphates, oxalates, and metallic elements, enabling crops to effectively absorb phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and trace elements from the soil.
Promotes crop root development and strengthens disease resistance.
Balances soil pH by providing excellent buffering ability against acidity and alkali, leveling the pH of the soil and preventing acidic conditions caused by long-term chemical fertilizer use.
2.Natural gas chemical industry, high-tower granulation:
Utilizes high-tower granulation techniques from the natural gas chemical industry to achieve balanced nutrition in the fertilizer.
High nitrate nitrogen content facilitates rapid melting and absorption.
Significantly enhances nitrogen fertilizer utilization, leading to visible effects in just three days and boosting production and income.
3.Addition of medium trace elements:
Supplement silicon, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, and other essential medium and trace elements required for optimum crop growth.
Improves chlorophyll, protein, and nucleic acid content in plants, resulting in enhanced photosynthesis and increased yields.
4.Scope of application:
Suitable for various crops, including greenhouse crops, flowers, fruit trees, vegetables, and cash crops like tobacco.
Ideal for field crops such as wheat and corn, especially beneficial for dryland crop applications.
Our fertilizer meets the needs of diverse agricultural settings, ensuring optimal plant nutrition and growth.